EB-5 Seminar Conducted In Detroit

EB-5 Seminar Conducted In Detroit

Detroit Telangana Community(DTC) in association with Detroit Telugu Association(DTA) hosted EB-5 Visa Information Seminar/Q&A session for Telugu community in Metro Detroit on Saturday, July 13th in Novi, Michigan.

Sidharth Kamisetti, attorney and partner of Texo Capital(, a licensed regional center that sponsors EB-5 funds to invest in projects that meet the requirements of the EB-5 program, provided details on the program, requirements and timeline.

Raju Brahmandhabher, President- Detroit Telangana Community(DTC) and Dwaraka Prasad Bopanna- President-Elect, Detroit Telugu Association(DTA) thanked Sridhar Kamisetti for coming all the way from Columbus and speaking to their members on EB-5 visa program.